Download free unturned server list
Download free unturned server list

download free unturned server list

  • Servers with unspecified monetization (servers with purchasable gameplay advantages) are no longer included in the Internet list when searching without a name filter.
  • Prevent joining servers without GSLT over the internet.
  • Crosshair follows recoil similar to laser and better represents actual spread.
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    Support for warning if there is a large discrepancy between server listing and actual in-game ping.Is_Music bool option for effect asset used in ambiance volumes.Separate messaging and auto-shutdown for update rollbacks.Plugin option to hide center dot and disable reputation change notification.Damage_Falloff_Max_Range option for falloff to finish closer than the total max range.Large vanilla magazines reduce aiming speed. Aim_Duration_Multiplier gun attachment option.Vanilla guns have been tweaked +/- 50ms on average.

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    Spread_Angle_Degrees gun option replacing Spread_Hip.

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